is the Saturday, 18th July, 2015. An eventful day.
I had agreed to see the Pastor Temitayo’s aunt recommended (see Episode 10 of
Season 2) and so on this day I picked Temitayo up at about 7.30am and we set
out to Isolo. We got to Isolo and together with Temitayo’s aunt, we moved to
the pastor’s church which was just opposite her house. The name of the church
is Word & Power Bible Church.
church is situated in one room. No bigger than my bedroom. There is an altar to
the right adorned with paintings of Christ and his apostles, a candle stand, a
lantern, Olive Oil, Bibles, Flowers, Speakers, Microphones and all sorts. There
were no seats in there and so we had to sit on the floor. I waited…
man came in and handed bibles to Temitayo and I, instructing us to start
praying and ask God for whatever we desired. I prayed. Following the prayer,
the man prayed for Temitayo and I and then he went out to get the pastor.
Pastor came in and joined us sitting on the floor. He was referred to as G.O (I
believe this means General Overseer) by Temitayo’s aunt and some church members
who trooped in and out. Now the premises housing the church is a bungalow of
individual rooms (known in local parlance as Face me I Face you) I believe the
pastor also lived in the building, probably in another room. When we walked
into the room (we had to remove our shoes outside) we met three persons
sleeping on the bare floor. I believe these people probably passed the night
there. The left side of the sitting area was reserved for women only so
Temitayo and I sat at the right side.
G.O spent about 10 minutes talking to Temitayo. This talk was a follow-up to
their previous meeting. He generally encouraged Temitayo and prophesied over
his marriage and unborn kids (Temitayo’s wife is expecting). And then he turned
to me.
“For the time will come when they
will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own
desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for
themselves teachers” 2 Timothy 4:3
“Men are so simple and so much
inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for
his deceptions”. Niccolo Machiavelli
order to give a vivid explanation of all he told me, I shall itemize it. He
spoke to me while Temitayo’s aunt assisted in writing down his instructions for
me. Below are the instructions:
- The spirit of my biological mum who passed on in 2009 was unhappy because we failed to remember her on a yearly basis. I was advised to organize a prayer meeting with family and Church members on the 4th of September (the anniversary of the day my mum died) after which I was to have a small party.
- I was to generally avoid marking birthdays until I clocked 50 and even then, my wife and kids should be the ones to host the party. This was necessary because some forces were desperate to ensure that I didn’t live past 50 years old.
- I was to buy a lantern and crucifix for the church in replacement for the lantern and crucifix in the church which would be given to me. I was to hang the crucifix in my home and then light the lantern for seven days.
- Every night along with my wife, we were to place the lantern on a bible the G.O gave me and then pray naked. I was to pay N7k to replace the bible given to me.
- My wife was to desist from wearing any form of black fabric as this didn’t go with her star.
- When my wife finally conceived, we were to come to the church for thanksgiving and buy loudspeakers or a public address system for the church.
- I bought a pack of bottled water and Temitayo’s aunt bought apples which the G.O prayed on. I was to drink the water and eat the apples along with my wife.
- I was to get N21k which should be shared as follows:
- My wife and I were to rub N7k all over our bodies and then throw the cash away.
- N7k should be shared amongst 7 beggars who had children.
- N7k should be used to purchase soap, perfume and oil which the G.O would pray on and my wife and I were to use. The special soap should be used every day except Saturday when I was to have my bath without soap. Also, I was to return to the G.O for a new soap when I had exhausted the ones he had prayed on.
“I have not sent these
prophets, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied”.
Jeremiah 23:21
thanked the G.O and Temitayo’s aunt. Taking along with me the bible, the pack
of bottled water and the apples, Temitayo and I left. As we headed home, a
scripture dropped in my spirit…
“Then the Lord answered
Job out of the whirlwind, and said: “Who is this who darkens
counsel by words without knowledge?” –Job 38 1-2
Watch out
for Part 3 coming live on Monday 14th September, 2015.
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